Wednesday 18 February 2009

Hi Blog

Hi wall,

I've accidently made another "Outside the White Cube" blog because my brain is not with it's body today, so please ignore the one that doesn't have any post =D!

I will post pictures of "Outside the White Cube" artist when I have found some that intrigue me =D!

That's all folks!

Katie =P

1 comment:

  1. love the term of address, hi wall, a shirley valentine moment? it's made me think about the two-sidedness of the city we see, and yet do not. the red brick dosmetic veneers, giving us clues to their wealth from the quality of paintwork or personality for the backs of curtains. These microcosms of life feed and supply the nucleus of undulating sky lines and quicker pace of business and commerce.yet this centre still has walls but i dont think theier spoken to or cared about quite so much?
