Sunday 15 March 2009

Mapping me!

After looking into Chris Drury I found out that he uses echocardiograms in some of his work. I thought this was very interesting as I had an echocardiogram a few years ago. I like the idea of mapping the body in this way. I have included here a picture from my echocardiogram, if you look carefully you can just see the different areas of my heart. This is in a way a personal map of a part of me. Instead of mapping on a conventional chart where things can be seen by the naked eye, this type of mapping looks into places that we cannot see without certain types of technology. A personal map of my heart!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Sarah

    That's a really good thought - I really like how research into another artist's work has led you to a connection with your own life. That would seem like a strong basis from which to develop more work. You might be interested too in Mona Hatoum's 'Corps Etranger (Foreign Bodies)'. While not an echocardiagram, I think she uses an endoscopy to film a journey through the body. The inside/outside, public/private dialectics still stand though. There are some images here and here and some information here
