Tuesday 3 March 2009

Richard Wentworth

Hi all...again!

I have found an artist who I thought creates the sort of photographs that I'm wanting to base my Outside the White Cube on; objects that belong to someone or belong inside that have been placed outside in an "un-natural" environment...basically objects that you wouldn't really see in this type of scenario; giving these objects a different meaning.

This artist is Richard Wentworth, and he describes his work better than I can, so here is a quote of his which I think best explains his photographs:

'I have always been very puzzled about the raw and the cooked. Am I sitting on a tree or is this assemblage of wood a chair? What draws me in is how things are convertible and how humans give meaning. There is something about mutability that I have always been attracted to. I mean, what is a television that is sitting on the roadside miles away from the electricity supply? Is it still a television? It's something to do with being dead yet alive. It's the small human acts that reach out to my way of seeing. Without someone being able to raise a brick and deposit the right amount of mortar then there would be no walls. That's all a wall is really - a lot of brick raising. A little human act multiplied. A half brick raised, though, can be a murder weapon.

My work is also attached to the limits of purposefulness. If something is discarded you can read that and see that it's been rejected. To me, there is something terribly beautiful in that. Formal things are incredibly important to me. I always see the crack in the glass before I see the window. I have always had this "sickness". I am interested in the aberrant.'


Katie =)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katy

    Looks good ... can you provide a link to where the Wentworth quote comes from? Would be good just to credit the source as well as to provide further reading. Have you seen his page at the Lisson Gallery site: http://www.lissongallery.com/#/artists/richard-wentworth/

    Maybe you could upload some of your photographic explorations too?

